1) Gainesville Fine Arts Association (GFAA)
1314 S. Main St.
GFAA Gallery presents Timeless: Black & White Works. Local art for sale! Exhibition runs from February 26 through March 21. Smaller artwork & crafts are available for sale in our updated Gift Shop. Artist and Paton Memberships available!
Visit gainesvillefinearts.org

2) Bingo Deli & Pub
619 S. Main St. Unit 14
(across from Heartwood sound stage)
Featuring Photographer Bob Senesac. He enjoys exploring and envisioning how to texture and mount his images to metal frames. With this new process, the images are sealed and protected, facilitating the elimination of glass in the framing process with no reflection to distract the viewer. The metal frames are a creative extension of the image!

3) Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St.
Civic Media Center and Stetson Kennedy Library Inc. Founded in Oct. 1993. Is an alternative library and Nonprofit grassroots organizing, activism, and public awareness space.

4) The Hippodrome Theater Art Gallery. 25 SE 2nd Pl.
The Hipp proudly presents
"Bleach Stains" by Colin Curry
Fri, February 28 from 7PM-9PM
Experience Colin Curry's provocative final exhibition before his transition to nursing. "Bleach Stains" delves deep into the complexities of Americana, revealing what lies beneath our sanitized national narrative.

5) Black C Art: 201 SE 2nd PI.
UNFINISHED STORIES by Lilyana Dvoryanova!
From Bulgaria to Gainesville, whispers of untold tales unfold in brushstrokes and ink. Experience Lilyana Dvoryanova’s dreamlike world—illustrations and paintings borne from her month-long residency at Black C Art. Step inside. Let the art speak.

6) Sweetwater Print Cooperative
117 S. Main St.
The Coop announces the opening of "Control + X/T + V: Cut/Tear and Paste", a show by Kathy Faraone of her mixed media collages of printed and painted papers, cut, torn and pasted.
Show opens 7-9 pm on Friday, February 28 and closes March 25. After the opening it may be seen by calling 352 514-3838.

7) The Bull
14 S. Main Street, 32601
"As I’ve entered my 60s as an artist and an oil painter, I’ve decided my art is what I need to give of myself in the homestretch of my life. I’ve decided; post my final work a day job. I will work in the service of others, in order to make more time for my art in the remainder of my life".

8) Top Secret Space
10 N. Main St
“Guilty Party” is the latest group show put on by Oldhead in the Top Secret Gallery. There will be many different mediums by many different artists.
Join us from 7-10 on 2/28-3/1.
Image: “Jim the Crow-Dog” by Ian Jackson.

9) SL8 Gallery
10 E. University Ave
During Artwalk and the month of March 2025, the SL8 Gallery will be focusing on the artwork of John Korb, a local artist with a breadth and depth of artistic talents and shrewd. biting commentary. From the sublime to the, well, less!

10) Rose Parker Studios, 14 East University Ave
Featuring Artist Lainie Ettema, a graduate student at UF.
Exhibition Title: Beige.
Beige explores skin as metaphor and contradiction to critique ideas of body, gender, and womanhood. Lainie would like to thank her venue hosts, Jennifer and Joel Parker.

11) Artisans' Guild Gallery 224 NW 2nd Avenue
On display for February Artwalk, Diana Tonnessen's hand-colored, limited edition linoleum block prints combine whimsical compositions, luminous colors and the rustic texture of the linocut to capture the charm and allure of Florida’s rich natural history and cultural heritage.
www.artisansguildgallery.com/ Phone: 352-378-1383

12) Limelight, Salon, Gallery & Stage
4908 NW 34th Blvd
Suite 11
Featured artist: Ellie Nemmers and the Juniorates!
Mike Bibbee & Kyle Manders strip down Autoclast's alt-rock soundscape for a special acoustic set. Ellie Nemmers is our featured artist. Poetry Open Mic sign up @7pm.